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Payments and Deposits
Payments and Deposits
A non-refundable $150 deposit per camper/per session is due upon registration for registrations completed before May 17, 2024. An option is also available to pay the balance in full at registration. Camper balances must be paid in full by May 17, 2024, and registrations occurring after May 17, 2024, require full payment at the time of registration. Acceptable forms of payment include cash, check, e-check, and credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express).
Refund Policy
Cancellation requests made prior to May 17, 2024, will receive a refund, minus the $150 non-refundable deposit (per camper, per session). Refund requests should be submitted in writing via email or mail (postmarked by May 16, 2024) prior to May 17, 2024.
No refunds will be granted after May 17, 2024, for changes due to work or vacation schedules, illnesses, or any other issues.
Requests for refunds for the After Care program must be submitted in writing at least one business day prior to the beginning of the session. Refunds for After Care will not be given if a request is made after the session has begun.
Enrollment Deadline
The registration for each session and program ends at 8:00 a.m. on the Monday of the week prior to the beginning of that session/program. Registration will not be possible during the week leading up to the start of a session/program or after programs have begun.
Minimum and Maximum Enrollment
Required minimum enrollment numbers apply to all programs and classes. Summer at Norwood reserves the right to cancel or combine classes or programs if the minimum number of registrants is not met. Programs also have maximum enrollment numbers. Early registration is always recommended.
Waitlist Policy
Waitlists will be established for any programs that reaches its maximum enrollment. If a space becomes available in the waitlisted program, Summer at Norwood will contact the first camper on the waitlist and families will have 48 hours to respond and accept the open space. After 48 hours, the next family on the waitlist will be contacted.
Enrollment Change
Enrollment Change Policy
There is a deposit of $150 per camper/per session for each Summer at Norwood program. The balance for all programs is due by May 17, 2024. All deposits are non-refundable and all payments are non-refundable after May 17, 2024.
Registrations may be transferred to a different session or program within the same season. A $50 transfer fee applies to each session registration being transferred, in addition to any difference in program fees. Transfers are subject to availability. The deadline for transferring out of a session or program is 8:00 a.m. on the Monday on the week prior to the beginning of that session/program.
Summer at Norwood does not pro-rate fees for any programs or classes. Partial-session registrations will not be permitted.
Accident & Illness
Accident & Illness Policy
Please do not send your child to camp if they feel ill. Parents are advised to keep their camper(s) at home if any of the symptoms below are applicable.
Fever 100 degrees F or more
Diarrhea or abdominal cramps
Head Lice
Unidentifiable or contagious rashes
Eye, ear, or throat infections that in inhibit "normal" play
Nausea and/or vomiting
Any known or suspected communicable disease
Persistent headaches
Positive COVID-19 test
Any camper with the above signs and symptoms will be directed to our camp nurse, and the parent/guardian will be notified immediately. If a parent/guardian is not available, a phone call will be made to the emergency contact person. If the emergency contact person is not available, the child will be kept comfortable until someone is reached. In case of serious injuries/illnesses (concussions, broken bones, severe cuts, internal trauma, spike in temperature, etc.), "911" will be called, followed by the parent/guardian.
Following an illness, campers will be readmitted to the program when they have no longer exhibited the above symptoms for at least 24 hours, without the aid of medication. Summer at Norwood will follow CDC guidelines as they pertain to readmittance following a positive COVID-19 test. A parent, guardian, or health care provider should report a camper's positive COVID-19 findings to Summer at Norwood. Isolation for positive COVID-19 cases will follow CDC guidelines for isolation and quarantine. Summer at Norwood will comply with COVID-19 Outbreak Definitions as defined by the Maryland Department of Health for Youth Camps.
Assumption of Risk
Assumption of Risk
COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is believed to spread by person-to-person contact. As a result, federal and state health agencies recommend social distancing and various other measures to mitigate the risk of contracting the virus.
Despite the health and safety protocols outlined above and other measures in place to mitigate the risk of transmission of COVID-19, there are inherent risks that students and/or their families may become infected with COVID-19 due to the student’s participation in Summer at Norwood. These risks include, but are not limited to, the following: exposure to COVID-19, becoming infected with COVID-19, or becoming a symptomatic or asymptomatic carrier of the virus. It is possible that a student is already an asymptomatic carrier of the virus before and that the student may infect other students, employees, or other individuals at camp as a result of their attendance. Any person who receives a positive diagnosis of COVID-19, including a camper or their family member, may encounter extended quarantine/self-isolation, additional tests, medical care, hospitalization, other potential complications, and the risk of death.
By signing the Registration Agreement, parent(s) agree to adhere to the health and safety policies and procedures outlined by Summer at Norwood. By allowing their child(ren) to attend Summer at Norwood, parents understand, acknowledge, and voluntarily assume these risks on behalf of themselves and the camper(s).
Administering Medication
Administering Medication
Summer at Norwood is prohibited by law from administering or distributing any medication without a physician's order. In order to distribute medication to your camper, Summer at Norwood must have a completed and signed a Medication Administration Form on file. By law, Medication Administration Forms must be signed by both a guardian and a physician.
Medication forms are located in the "Document Center", which can be accessed by clicking the three stacked lines in the top left corner in your online account home screen.
Summer at Norwood CANNOT accept telephone permission to administer medication to campers. Summer at Norwood CANNOT accept medical forms from other schools or camps. All medication must be provided in its original container and will be administered by Norwood's camp nurse or a staff member who has completed medication administration training.
Summer at Norwood is not a nut-free camp, however, we do our best to accommodate our campers with allergies. All campers are encouraged not to bring foods that contain nuts. Campers with life threatening allergies must have a completed Allergy Action Plan on file, signed by both a guardian and a physician. If medication is required for a camper's allergy, Summer at Norwood must have a completed and signed a Medication Administration Form on file.
Medication and allergy forms are located in the "Document Center", which can be accessed by clicking the three stacked lines in the top left corner in your online account home screen.
Lunch and Snacks
Lunch and Snacks
Campers should bring their own lunches. With the exception of designated Pizza Fridays, lunch will not be provided. Families will be sent a camp calendar before the beginning of each session that shows the date of each Pizza Friday.
Campers can bring their own snack if desired, but Summer at Norwood will provide drinks and individually packaged snacks during the day. Lunches will be kept at room temperature. Refrigeration and/or heating are not available. In the event that a camper forgets their lunch, a call will be placed to the parent and Summer at Norwood will provide an emergency lunch if the parent is unable to bring a lunch to camp. A $5.00 fee will apply for each emergency lunch provided. Campers are not permitted to share food.
Arrival and Dismissal
Arrival and Dismissal
Morning carpool begins at 8:30 a.m. All campers may be dropped off at the upper circle. Parents may also park in the parking lot, then walk with their campers to the upper circle.
Late Arrival-
Campers who arrive after 9:00 a.m. must be escorted to the Summer at Norwood main entrance and signed in by a guardian. A staff member will then walk the camper to meet their class. This ensures the accuracy of our attendance records.
Afternoon Carpool begins at 3:00 p.m. (Junior Day campers registered for the half-day option will be dismissed at 12:00 p.m.). All campers should be picked up at the upper circle, unless otherwise designated. Carpool signs are required and must be displayed when picking up campers. Campers who are not picked up by 3:20 p.m. will be checked into the After Care program and will be charged the daily drop-in fee.
Early Dismissal-
Please notify the Summer at Norwood Office via email or phone if any camper needs to leave camp before their normal dismissal time. The notification should include the date, camper's name, time of dismissal, and the name of the person picking up the camper. Campers leaving early can be picked up from the Summer at Norwood main entrance and must be signed out. There will be no early dismissals after 2:45 p.m.
Authorized Pickup
Authorized Pickup Policy
Carpool signs will be emailed to families prior to the beginning of each session and must be displayed when picking up campers. It is the responsibility of the family to supply a carpool sign to any individuals who are authorized to pick up their camper. Summer at Norwood will not release campers to persons who do not have a carpool sign, or who have not been designated by a parent or guardian as an authorized pick-up person via email or phone. Summer at Norwood reserves the right to require any adult picking up a camper to present a current photo ID. If you have made a last-minute carpool arrangement for the afternoon, please notify the Camp Office before 2:15 p.m. on that day.
Behavior Policy
Campers are expected to treat each other with dignity, to be polite and courteous to peers and adults alike, to care for all property and grounds, and to help preserve a clean, well maintained, and safe camp environment. Summer at Norwood reserves the right to dismiss anyone from camp who behaves inappropriately. Any camper who exhibits behavior that interferes with instruction and/or teaching, learning, enrichment, or pleasure of other campers and staff, will be dismissed from that program without refund. Repeated or severe violations will forfeit the option of re-enrollment.
Toilet Trained
Toilet-Trained Policy
All campers must be toilet trained to attend Summer at Norwood. Please see Summer at Norwood's Toilet-Trained Policy and definition. Summer at Norwood reserves the right to dismiss campers who demonstrate that they are not toilet-trained to the standards of the policy.
Please Note...
In the event of any failure or delay in Summer at Norwood's performance resulting from causes beyond our reasonable control and occurring without our fault or negligence, including, without limitation, Acts of God, fire, pandemic, government restrictions, wars, and insurrections, the tuition obligations shall continue, and Summer at Norwood shall not be liable for any such failure or delay in its performance.
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